Welcome to TALA Animal Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy

tala dog hydotherapy imgTALA was established in 2013 as an animal hydrotherapy and rehabilitation practice in the east of Pretoria. We specialize in the treatment of animals and assist with pre and post operative rehabilitation.

TALA is a Native American Indian (Sioux) word for wolf. Dogs derive from wolves and are very similar in more than one way. TALA also stands for Touch And Love Animals. And that is what they do for us, they touch and love us humans unconditionally. This is why we at TALA want to do the same for them. We work with registered Animal Behaviorists that can assist with behavioral problems.

Our mission at TALA is:

Help return our beloved pets back to health, and to provide them with a quality of life in the same way that our animals enhances our quality of life. To provide a personalized and focused service to each owner and their pet by having individual sessions. Honor and give praise to God the Creator of these beautiful creatures.

What is Hydrotherapy?

tala dog hydotherapy imgHydrotherapy, or Water Therapy is the use of water to relieve discomfort and promote physical wellbeing. Therapeutic methods that take advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases.

Exercising an injured dog in a heated pool, with the assistance of the therapist and a fitted life jacket, is a great advantage for pre-operative preparation and a speedy recovery after surgery. One of the great advantages of Hydrotherapy is that an animal can exercise without the risk of causing further injury to itself, as it is a non-weight bearing and low impact exercise only utilizing the resistance of the water.

Why make use of Hydrotherapy?

tala dog hydotherapy imgThe following benefits make Hydrotherapy worthwhile:

  • Decreased pain and inflammation
  • Relaxation of muscle tension and/or muscle spasm
  • Improves muscle mass and muscle function
  • Increased active range of motion
  • Increase core stability
  • Provide support for weakened or spinal injury dogs in neutral spinal position
  • Creates a feeling of well being and improve quality of life
  • Increase cardiovascular fitness and stamina
  • Overweight and unfit dogs benefit from exercise

About TALA

tala dog hydotherapy imgMarinda van Zyl is a qualified Hydro therapist and Animal Behaviorist. She has a passion for animals and for nature conservation. She started studying Animal Behavior (Ethology) at the Academy of Ethology under Prof. Johannes Odendaal in 2007 and has been registered at SABCAP (South African Board for Companion Animal Professionals) as an Animal Behaviorist since 2011.

She trained dogs at Manderston Canine Academy for 9 years as well as working closely with pet owners in resolving their pets behavioral issues.

She completed her Diploma on Hydrotherapy and rehabilitation in the UK at Greyfriars Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation in Guildford, where she also worked together with the hydro therapists at Greyfriars, the leading veterinary practice in the UK. She then opened Tala Rehabilitation & Hydrotherapy in 2013 and has been practicing ever since.

Contact Details

Marinda van Zyl

DIP. Hydrotherapy Rehabilitation
SABCAP REG. Animal Behaviour Consultant

Contact Details

082 662 4916